Anies Rasyid Baswedan

Anies Baswedan Profile & Biography

Anies Baswedan is an Indonesian academician, activist, and politician. Anies Rasyid Baswedan was born on May 7, 1969 from an academic couple. His father, Rasyid Baswedan, is a former Vice Chancellor of the Islamic University of Indonesia (UII). While Aliyah, his mother, is a Professor Emeritus at Yogyakarta State University (UNY).

Anies Baswedan
Anies Rasyid Baswedan
Full Name
(Nama Lengkap)
Anies Rasyid Baswedan
Popular Name
(Nama Alias)
Anies Baswedan
Brithdate / Born
(Tempat, Tanggal Lahir)
May 7, 1969 (age 55 years), Kuningan
academic, activist, and politician. Governor of Jakarta from 2017 to 2022
Sex / Gender
(Jenis kelamin)
Blood type
(Golongan darah)
A plus (A+)
Jalan Lebak Bulus Dalam II, Cilandak, Jakarta Selatan.
Social Media IG: @aniesbaswedan
(Nama Orang Tua)
Rasyid Baswedan, Aliyah Rasyid
(Nama Kakek)
Abdurrahman Baswedan
Marital Status
(Status Pernikahan)
(Nama Istri)
Fery Farhati Ganis (m. 1996)
  1. Mutiara Annisa,
  2. Ismail Hakim,
  3. Kaisar Hakam,
  4. Mikail Azizi Baswedan
  • Universitas Gadjah Mada,
  • Northern Illinois University,
  • School of Public Policy
  • Keeping Pigeons,
  • Keeping Cats,
  • Keeping Ornamental Fish,
  • Riding a Vespa
Previous offices Governor of Jakarta (2017–2022), Minister of Education and Culture of Indonesia (2014–2016)

Anies Baswedan’s Educational Track Record

Anies Baswedan’s Educational Background

  • Syuhada Mosque Kindergarten
  • Laboratory Elementary School Yogyakarta
  • SMP Negeri 5 Yogyakarta
  • SMAN 2 Yogyakarta
  • Faculty of Economics, Gadjah Mada University
  • Masters in International Security and Economic Policy, University of Maryland, USA
  • Doctoral Degree in Northern Illinois University, United States

Anies entered SD Laboratory (elementary school), Yogyakarta at the age of 6 after graduating from Masjid Syuhada Kindergarten. Teenage Anies continued his education at SMPN 5 Yogyakarta (junior high school), where he learned to organize at school.

Entering high school at SMAN 2 Yogyakarta, Anies was elected as the Deputy Chair of OSIS. He was also elected as the Chair of OSIS throughout Indonesia in 1985 after undergoing leadership training with 300 OSIS leaders throughout Indonesia.

Foto lama Anies Baswedan saat masih SMA
Old photo of Anies Baswedan when he was a senior high school student

Student Exchange to The US

In high school, Anies Baswedan was selected as an American Field Service (AFS) student exchange student. This program allowed Anies to study academically and cross-culturally in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, United States for one year.

Like today’s AFS students, Anies in 1987 also underwent a one-year AFS exchange in the United States (US). As a result, he completed his high school education in 1989 with a total study period of four years.

Study at UGM

Anies continued his higher education at the Faculty of Economics, UGM, starting in 1989. On campus, he joined the Islamic Student Association (HMI), one of which was as a member of the HMI UGM Organization Rescue Council.

Anis Rasyid Baswedan Muda Mahasiswa UGM
Photo of The Young Anies Baswedan when he was an undergraduate student of Gajah Mada University (UGM Yogyakarta)

In Yogyakarta, Anies also tried his luck as a permanent interviewer of national figures on the Tanah Merdeka program on the Yogyakarta branch of Television of the Republic of Indonesia (TVRI).

At the 1992 congress, Anies served as Chairman of the UGM Student Senate. During his time as Chairman of the UGM Student Senate, Anies formed the Student Executive Board (BEM) as an executive institution and positioned the senate as a legislative institution. He was also recorded as initiating a demonstration against the implementation of the Prize Social Fund System in November 1993 in Yogyakarta.

Summer Course Scholarship in Japan

Anies won an environmental writing competition while he was a student. This achievement led him to receive a Japan Airlines Scholarship (JAL) Foundation scholarship in 1993. With this scholarship, he underwent a summer study program at Sophia University, Tokyo, majoring in Asian studies.

Masters – Doctoral Degree in the United States and Scholarships

Anies Baswedan married Fery Farhati Ganis in 1996. In 1997, he continued his Masters studies at the University of Maryland, College Park, United States. This time, Anies took a master’s degree in International Security and Economic Policy.

Anies then earned a PhD with a doctoral scholarship in 1999 at Northern Illinois University, United States. His dissertation discussed regional autonomy and democratic patterns in Indonesia.

Still from his doctoral campus, Anies received the Gerald S Maryanov Fellow in 2004. This scholarship is given to students who have achievements and integrity in the development of political science.

Anies Baswedan Family
Anies Baswedan and Family photo – with his wife and children

Anis Baswedan’s Careers

Becoming a Chancellor

After becoming the Director of Research at The Indonesian Institute specializing in public policy analysis in 2005, Anies was listed as the Chancellor of Paramadina University at the age of 38 in 2007. He created a mandatory course on Anti-Corruption and the Paramadina Fellowship, among others.

Anies Baswedan
Photo of Anies Baswedan when he was a Chancellor of Paramadina University

Anies also founded the Indonesian Teaching Movement Foundation in 2010, sending young teachers to teach in remote elementary schools. The Indonesian Teaching Movement focuses on meeting the need for quality teachers and leadership learning.

Becoming Minister of Education and Culture

Anies Baswedan‘s track record in the field of education led him to be elected as Minister of Education and Culture in the 2014-2019 Working Cabinet. He is listed as one of the professionals out of 34 ministers.

Becoming The Governor of Jakarta (2017 to 2022)

Anies Baswedan - Governoor of Jakarta
Photo of Anies Baswedan – who served as the Governor of Jakarta from 2017 to 2022.

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