Prabowo Subianto Djojohadikusumo

Profile and Biography of Prabowo Subianto

Prabowo Subianto Djojohadikusumo (Prabowo Subianto Joyohadikusumo) is a politician, businessman and retired honorary army general, Minister of Defense as well as the President-elect of Indonesia.

Prabowo Subianto
Photo of Prabowo Subianto Djojohadikusumo
(Nama Alias)
Jenderal TNI (HOR) (Purn.) Datuk Seri H.
Full Name
(Nama Lengkap)
Prabowo Subianto Djojohadikusumo (Prabowo Subianto Joyohadikusumo)
Brithdate / Born
(Tempat, Tanggal Lahir)
Jakarta, October 17 1951
Politician, businessman, military officer
Sex / Gender
(Jenis kelamin)
Jl. Kertanegara Nomor 4, Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan
(Nama Ayah & Ibu)
  • Soemitro Djojohadikoesoemo (father)
  • Dora Marie Sigar (mother)
Marital Status
(Status Pernikahan)
Married, divorced
Wife /Spouse Siti Hediati Hariyadi (alias Titiek Soeharto) (m. 1983; d. 1998)
Ragowo Hediprasetyo Djojohadikoesoemo (Didit)
  • Margono Djojohadikoesoemo (grandfather)
  • Soebianto Djojohadikoesoemo (uncle)
  • Soejono Djojohadikusumo (uncle)
  • Hashim Djojohadikusumo (young brother)
  • Aryo Djojohadikusumo (nephew)
  • Rahayu Saraswati Djojohadikusumo (nephew)
  • Thomas Djiwandono (nephew)
  • Budi Djiwandono (nephew)
The American School in London
Hobby horse riding, skydiving, shooting, swimming, writing, reading and collecting books
Social Media Account IG: @prabowo
Civil awards
  • Bintang Kartika Eka Paksi Nararya
  • Satyalancana Kesetiaan XVI
  • Satyalancana Seroja Ulangan–III
  • Bintang Yudha Dharma Nararya

Lieutenant General (Ret.) TNI Prabowo Subianto was born in Jakarta on October 17, 1951. He is the son of Soemitro Djojohadikusumo and Dora Marie Sigar. Prabowo is the third of four siblings. His two older sisters are Biantiningsih Miderawati and Maryani Ekowati. Meanwhile, he also has one younger brother, Hashim Djojohadikusumo.

Prabowo Subianto’s Education History: Elementary School-High School Abroad & College at AKABRI

Since childhood, Prabowo has indeed received education in various countries. Born in Jakarta, Prabowo attended the Sumbangsih Kindergarten School in 1956-1957. However, when he entered elementary school and high school, he went abroad with his parents.

It is known that his father was an economist and politician from the Indonesian Socialist Party who had served as Minister of Industry in the Natsir Cabinet. One year after Prabowo was born, Soemitro was appointed Minister of Finance in the Wilopo Cabinet.

When he entered elementary school, Soemitro was said to have been involved in opposing President Soekarno’s government with the Revolutionary Government of the Republic of Indonesia in West Sumatra. Until finally choosing to go abroad with his family.

Since then, Prabowo has completed his education in various countries from Singapore, Malaysia, Switzerland, to England. This experience made him fluent in various languages ​​such as Indonesian, French, German, English and Dutch.

After Soekarno stepped down, Soemitro’s family returned to Indonesia and Prabowo continued his education at the Indonesian Armed Forces Academy (AKABRI) in Magelang, Central Java.

So if sorted, here is Prabowo Subianto’s educational background:

Formal Education

  • Sumbangsih Kindergarten, Jakarta (1956-1957)
  • The Dean School Elementary School, Singapore (1957-1960)
  • Glenealy Junior School, Hong Kong (1960-1962)
  • Victoria Institute Junior High School, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (1962-1964)
  • Zurich International School Junior High School (1964-1966)
  • American School in London, England (1966-1968)
  • National Military Academy/AKABRI, Magelang (1970-1974)

Informal Education

Since his career in the military, Prabowo has become a professional and experienced in the following fields:

  • Basic course of infantry subdivisions (1974)
  • Commando Course (1975)
  • Jump Master (1977)
  • Investigation officer course (1977)
  • Free Fall (1981)
  • Counter Terrorist Course, GSG-9 Germany (1981)
  • Special Forces Officer Course, Ft. Benning USA (1981)

Prabowo Subianto Careers Background

In terms of position, he has held the following positions, both in military and private institutions, including:

Military & Political Careers

  • Platoon Commander of Commandos Group-1 Kopassandha (1976)
  • Company Commander of Commandos Group-1 Kopassandha (1977)
  • Deputy Commander of Detachment-81 Kopassus (1983-1985)
  • Deputy Commander of the airborne infantry battalion Kostrad (1985-1987)
  • Commander of the airborne infantry battalion 328 Kostrad (1987-1991)
  • Chief of brigade staff airborne infantry 17/Kujang I/Kostrad (1991-1993)
  • Group Commander-3/special force training center (1993-1995)
  • Deputy Commander of Special Force Command (1994)
  • Commander of Special Force Command (1995-1996)
  • General Commander of Special Force Command (1996-1998)
  • Command Commander of the Army’s strategic reserve Command(1998)
  • Staff and Command Army’s School Commander(1998)
  • General Chairman of the Gerindra Party (2014-present)
  • Minister of the Ministry of Defense (2019-2024)


  • Chairman of HKTI (2004-2009)
  • Chairman of HKTI (2010-2015)
  • Chairman of Pengurus Besar Ikatan Pencak Silat Indonesia (PB IPSI) (2001-2011)
  • Commissioner Oil and Gas Company in Kazakhstan
  • Head Commissioner of PT Tidar Kerinci Agung
  • President and CEO of PT Nusantara Energy
  • President and CEO of PT Jaladri Nusantara
  • Advisory Board of Organisasi Kosgoro
  • Head of Kebangsaan University
  • Founder of Koperasi Swadesi Indonesia (KSI)
  • Head of Koperasi Garuda Yaksa

Prabowo Subianto married Siti Heidati Hariyadi (Titiek Soeharto) in 1983, who is the biological daughter of the former President of Indonesia, Soeharto. The couple was blessed with a son a year later. The son of the couple Prabowo Subianto and Titiek is named Ragowo Hediprasetyo Djojohadikusumo or Didit Hediprasetyo.

Prabowo Becomes Minister of Defense of Indonesia

Prabowo Subianto Djojohadikusumo
Prabowo Subianto – Minister of Defense of The Republic of Indonesia (2019-2024)

Prabowo was inaugurated as Minister of Defense (Menhan) by the President of the Republic of Indonesia Joko Widodo on October 23, 2019. He entered the “Kabinet Indonesia Maju” for the 2019-2024 term.

Prabowo Becomes Presidential Candidate

Prabowo Subianto has previously run as a presidential candidate in the 2014 Election with Hatta Rajasa as his vice presidential candidate. Previously, he had also run as a vice presidential candidate in the 2009 Election with Megawati Soekarnoputri as his presidential candidate.

In the 2019 Election, Prabowo Subianto again ran as a presidential candidate. At that time, he paired with Sandiaga Uno as his vice presidential candidate.

In the 2024 Election, Prabowo as the General Chairperson of the Gerindra Party is again running as a presidential candidate. Paired with Gibran Rakabuming Raka, President Jokowi’s eldest son, the two managed to win the most votes so that Prabowo succeeded in becoming the president-elect in 2024.

That is the educational background and career of Prabowo Subianto.

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